Wednesday, November 23, 2011

One Thing On Top Of Another

When last I posted I had a fluish daughter. Since then we have sent the Peanut back to school for two whole days only to have her shivering and miserable at the end of the second day with a renewed fever, more puking and another week of elevated temperatures.

On top of the Peanut being ill, the Bean got her first cold and spent two weeks coughing and honking like an angry little goose.

On top of that, the husband caught his own flu (luckily not the stomach emptying kind). On top of that I contracted another bout of mastitis.

The Peanut and Great Grandma hanging
out on the garden swing two years ago
And just when I thought things were at their worst, after taking the Peanut in to the Doctor for the second time in two weeks the phone rang and it was my Mom. She'd called to tell me that my Grandma had passed away in her sleep. So... We're a still a little sick around here, no more fevers, but coughing galore and we're sad too. And amidst the sadness life travels on. We learn from the girls and life as we move along with it.

This isn't the first time we've introduced the concept of death with the Peanut. My cousin gave up his fight to a brain tumor a few years ago, and there have been a handful of family and friend's pets who have passed on over the years so the explanations have been built on over time. So what did I get out of our conversation? A tear filled conversation about how many apple trees are in the Summerlands (definitely more than 20) and a reminder that when we lose someone important in our lives that we are not mourning the death of our loved ones so much as we are mourning the loss of the chance to see, hear and talk to our loved ones again.

So, while we brush away the odd tear here and there; if you have lost dear loved ones how has explaining that loss to your kids (if you have them) changed how you look at that loss?


Nichola said...

Aww, I hope you're all right as rain and feeling less sad very soon. That photo is precious and I'm sure you've got loads of grand memories to smile about when the tears slow down.

Jen said...

Sorry to hear you've been dealing with so much at once. I've dubbed 2011 "the year of bad timing" and we too have been sick here way to much. We have luckily not lost a close loved one yet but I have begun explaining death about a friend's pet and we moved from there to Grandparents. Right now he is mostly concerned with if we miss our departed loved ones, which we do and what their energy returns as: "I think your grandpa came back as a duck Mama." I hope that instilling the return of their energy in another form gives them a sense that life and death are more of a cycle than a start and finish.

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